GOOD FEELINGS: Reality Zenta Nine. Long for R-ZE9. The author is still stuck working on the story, so the reality is still forming, stuck in its chaos stage. From my research, I was able to gather that the world follows the storyline of a teenager trying to find his bearings in life. Cliched for sure, but intriguing nonetheless. I suppose you'll have to read it yourself to figure it out.
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Reality Unknown. This one is even more chaotic than R-ZE9. Dimensional portals, cults, secret orders, Undead Gods, Alien civilizations, friendships, and magic. But from the chaos I was able to receive four messages. The protagonists of the story I presume.
THARUN: We're not well-formed characters yet so I can't say much, but hi, I'm Tharun. I'm one of the protagonists of ELEMENTUS. It's going to be a good story, but you won’t know for a while because the stupid creator's taking too much time. Gen Z I swear.
KENNY: Ayo! Alright let's do this one last time, my name is Kenny Sebastian. I was bitten by a radioactive- no I'm kidding ha! ELEMENTUS is gonna be SIIIIICK. I don’t know much but hey, it sounds cool!
HARSHA: Um, hello, hi. I'm Harsha. I'm from Visakhapatnam. I, uh, like hanging out with my friends. I like chicken biriyani. Does that work? Oh yeah, ELEMENTUS. It’s fun. I like it.
DARREN: Yeah, yeah I know, you’re already judging my friends and me. No worries there, you have every right to. Even our story sounds like a bloody cliché. But hey, at the risk of sounding stupid, I think the story is gonna turn out good.